No One is Alone
I've spent my fair share of time alone on Valentine's Day. And you know what, that's all kinds of okay. I confess I'm not alone this year, so maybe my thoughts on the subject are rendered obsolete. It's certainly nice to have someone to do nice things for, but I also feel that should be an everyday occurence. My bozo* and I won't be spending this day wracking up debt and stressing over how this day should mean more. For one, both of us have more money in the Mexican currency of pesos than we do tangible dollars. We're basically gonna get all "Gift of the Magi" on each other, buying treats for each other we don't need but refuse to buy for ourselves. It'll be romantic, in that way that poor things are.
Valentine's Day always gets me thinking about what this day was like in years prior, where I was, or who I was with, or what I was feeling. But you know what? It also gets me thinking about all the things I had (and YOU, sweet reader, have) that mean a whole lot more than one day where you might feel a tad bit lonely. So, I compiled a list of awesome stuff that I had/have as a quick reminder that we all tend to "have" a lot more than we think we do. The things we have--and bits of our lives we share--keep us from truly being alone. And if, after reading this list, you still feel alone then you can call me and I will find you wherever you are within the five boroughs and we will drink coffee (read: Irish coffees) and giggle (read: maybe cry) for a few hours, together. But let's try this first?
WHY (MOST PEOPLE) AREN'T REALLY ALONE (Or, A List of Awesome Shit We Take For Granted)
1.) Netflix
2.) Legs that walk you places
3.) Arms that pick things up
4.) A place outside to walk
5.) Pizzabagels
6.) A friend to call
7.) A mom/dad that chooses to listen to you when you need to talk
8.) the entirety of the movie, Up
9.) Double stuffed dark chocolate Milano cookies
10.) Oysters on the half shellllllll (get one right now, I can't stop and they're only $3)
11.) Whistling
12.) Skipping
13.) An animal pet that loves you (perhaps only because you feed them, but let's choose to be positive here)
14.) A pair of jeans you look like a sexy motherf*cker in
15.) Warm socks
16.) Hand written letters
17.) Coffee
18.) People in your neighborhood who recognize you/know you by name
19.) Tropical flavored Starburst
20.) An old picture of your grandparents when they were in the love
21.) Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies ice cream
22.) ANY AND ALL MUSIC. The ability to hear and appreciate music
23.) Skin (Your skin is actually so badass, it's awesome, even when it's very see-through pale.)
24.) Comfy beds
25.) The ability to read
26.) Libraries and small bookshops
27.) A job where someone relies on you
28.) Instagram (yeah, I'll admit it. I'm addicted and grateful.)
29.) Brothers and sisters
30.) That new Rihana and Kanye and that other guy's new song
31.) Water
32.) A photograph or a piece of art that reminds you of something/someone
33.) Fresh (freezing cold) air
34.) The choice to go anywhere else (if you really put your mind to it)
35.) A corner to write in
36.) An itchy item of clothing someone has knit for you
37.) Someone that worries about you
38.) Someone you worry about
39.) Incredible (and free) street/subway performances daily
40.) Your retainer box
41.) A place that you get to call home
Some years on Valentine's Day I didn't have all of these things, or even ten. Some of you might not have all of these things. Some of of them are just that: things, and funny items that made/make me feel safe. Some are less tangible, some are relationships and moments that make us feel taken care of. But here's the real thing: if you read this and have five, or twenty, or even one, you're going to be okay. If you make your own list, you'll get to look and see how much you really *have.* Yes, perhaps Valentine's is a silly contrived holiday and yes, perhaps others don't care about it as much as you or I do. But if the only positive action that comes out of this seemingly lonely or bleak or underwhelming or cheap holiday is that you take a minute to see all that you have, then it's most assuredly worth it.
*that's my messed up pet name for my boyfriend derived from a crazy man on the subway because, love.